Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Chun Li ground links

I've been doing testing with my improved training mode, and have collected some data on Chun Li's ground links. I wanted to see exactly, in game, how many frames the player has to input ground links. 


First, I set the game to no frame skipping. While my frame counter does take frame skipping into account, I wanted to avoid any confusion or source of errors.

I then picked a link. I'll use her low mk, low mk link for the image below. I press low mk for 1 frame. This is shown in the frame counter that I've highlighted with the red box below. I then wait 30 frames in the down/back position. I then press low mk again. This shows up as a 2-hit combo. In my notes, I would make this as "31 - combo". This means that 31 frames after pressing the first button, I pressed the second button. The 31 number comes from 30 frames of neutral, plus 1 press for the first press.

I'll give another, slightly more complex example. In the example below, I test standing mp to crouching mk. I'm initially 72 frames in neutral. I press mp for 5 frames. Then towards for 4 frames. Then down towards for 3 frames. Then neutral for 3 frames, followed by 13 frames in down. I then press and hold down and mk for 5 frames, but the number of frames held is irrelevant. The total here would be 5+4+3+3+13 = 28 frames. I would mark this as "28 - combo".


Here are my results:

Low mp -> low hk (2f window)
27 - no combo
28 - combo
29 - combo
30 - no combo
31 - no combo

Low mk -> low hk (2f window)
27 - no combo
28 - combo
29 - combo
30 - no combo
31 - no combo

Low mk -> close stand hp (4f window)
26 - no combo
27 - no combo
28 - combo
29 - combo
30 - combo
31 - combo
32 - no combo

Stand close mp -> close stand hp (5f window)
26 - no combo
27 - combo
28 - combo
29 - combo
30 - combo
31 - combo
32 - no combo

Low mk -> low mk (4f window)
26 - no combo
27 - no combo
28 - combo
29 - combo
30 - combo
31 - combo
32 - no combo

Stand close mp -> low mk (5f window)
26 - no combo
27 - combo
28 - combo
29 - combo
30 - combo
31 - combo
32 - no combo
33 - no combo


I was surprised by a few things. 

First, I had no idea that low mk to low hk was a two frame link. It's a staple of my play, and I thought it was much easier. In fact, you must press low hk either 28 or 29 frames exactly after a low mk to link.

Secondly, I did not realize that close stand hp was such a fast move. Its startup speed makes it twice as easy to link as low hk. Afer a low mk, you can press the stand hp 28, 29, 30, or 31 frames afterwards and still link.

Thirdly, I didn't realize that stand mp makes links 1 frame easier than crouching mp or crouching mk. Using stand mp lets you press the second button on frame 27, increasing your window by one.

So all in all, the easiest link for Chun Li is close stand mp into close stand hp. This has a generous five frame window. I've been incorporating this into my play, but there is an important gotcha: while the close standing hp hits crouching opponents, the far standing hp will not. So if your opponent is crouching and you are a bit far away, your combo has the risk of whiffing if far stand hp comes out. In this case, the safest and easiest option is to use standing mp into crouching mk, which still keeps the generous five frame window and hits crouching opponents.